
It’s simple to get in touch with the Sound Is Working team.

Simply use the contact form or email address provided below.

Please note that we try to respond to any messages or emails we get within 48 hours, though please allow longer if we have a lot of requests or messages.


If you have any questions, suggestions or comments regarding our content, please don’t be afraid to get in touch.

We’re always open to new suggestions and ideas regarding our content production and editing.

Interested In Reviewing For Us?

We’re always looking for new, enthusiastic individuals who have a keen interest in all things audio to help us review headphones and other audio products.

If you feel like you have something to offer and can bring some passion to our reviews, then we want to hear from you.

Manufacturers or Companies

If you have any issues, concerns or questions related to any of the products you own or represent on this website, contact us, and we’ll gladly have a discussion with you.

If you think we’ve made a mistake or have an update on a product we’ve reviewed, let us know.

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